《世界建筑 NO.58》求取 ⇩

赫尔威森市政厅Town Hall in Hilversum9

南向立面之部分 Part of south elevation9

南向全景 General view from south10

南向立面 South elevation12

南向立面的阳台窗 Balcony window in south elevation14

临水池的南向立面,前景为入口的雨庇 South elevation facing on to pond, entrance canopy in the foreground15

东侧入口 East side entrance16

同上 ditto17

往东侧入口的通道 Approach to east entrance18

东侧入口的转角柱子 Corner column in east entrance19

从中庭看图书室的长窗 Library windows as viewed from internal courtyard20

西向立面的窗户 Window composition in west elevation21

南面主入口 Southside main entrance22

南面入口的门厅 Vestibule in southside entrance23

中庭西侧的迴廊 Corridor on westside of internal courtyard24

从门厅看通往二楼的楼梯 Staircase to second floor seen from vestibule25

通二楼的楼梯 Staircase leading to the second floor26

二楼门厅 Vestibule, second floor27

二楼的会议室 Council chamber (Raadzaal), second floor28

同上 ditto30

二楼的接待室 Reception hall (Burgerzaal), second floor32

同上 接待室西面的窗户 ditto, west facing window33

接待室 Reception hall34

主要结婚礼堂 Major marriage ceremony hall36

同上 ditto37

市长的会议室(一楼) Mayor’s conference room, first floor38

市长会议室的灯具细部 Detail of lamp39

市长会议室的银钟 Silver clock in mayor’s conference room40

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