《世界建筑 NO.52》求取 ⇩


国立农民银行·欧华顿城National Farmers’ Bank, Owatonna9

由Broadway街仰视立面 Looking up at the facade on Broadway Street9

从街道上所见的全景(右边为办公室部份) Panoramic view from the street (rear office quarters on the right)10

在Broadway街上正立面 View of the facade on Broadway Street12

营业厅的内部及主要入口 Interior of the banking room with a view of the main entrance14

由主要入口所见之营业厅内部 Interior of the banking room as viewed from the main entrance16

营业厅的拱及天花装饰 Ornaments of the vaults and ceiling of the banking room18

营业厅的吊灯 Chandelier of the banking room19

出纳员柜台上的拱顶和时钟 Bank vault and clock above the teller’s counter20

出口上面巨型装饰性 Bulky ornamented entablature over the exit21

国立商业银行·格林乃城Merchants’ National Bank, Grinnell22

由街上所见银行全景 Panoramic view from the street22

主要入口上面玫瑰窗装饰 Ornamental rose window over the main entrance24

营业厅内部及主要入口 Interior of the banking room with a view of the main entrance26

由主要入口所见之营业厅内部 Interior of the banking room as viewed from the main entrance28

侧面巨型格条状玻璃窗 Large mullioned stained-glass window of the side wall30

同上 ditto32

营业厅的装饰(细部) Ornaments of the banking room (detail)34

农民与商人工会银行·哥伦布城Farmers’ & Merchants’ Union Bank, Columbus36

由街上所见的全景 Panoramic view from the street36

正立面 Main facade38

正立面的装饰(细部) Ornaments of the main facade (detail)39

营业厅角隅饮水器 Water fountain in a corner of the banking room40

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