《Table 1 The frequency distributions of“Landscape+biodiversity”papers published in SCI journals and

《Table 1 The frequency distributions of“Landscape+biodiversity”papers published in SCI journals and   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The general terms of“land”and“mountain”are top landscape contexts in studies found in the CNKI and SCI databases(>15%),whereas“grassland”and“desert”were minor(<5%)components in both samples.“city”and“urban”landscape occupied an overwhelmingly higher percentage in the CNKI sample than in the SCI sample(44%vs.11%),while papers published in SCI journals showed a broader and more balanced distribution of subjects,with more attention being paid to the landscape contexts such as forest(18.9%vs.3.8%),island(12.9%vs.3.3%),and savanna(7.7%vs.0.1%)(Figure 2b) .Besides some biodiversity studies in the savanna context in CNKI journals,combination of landscape and biodiversity studies about savanna is almost an empty field.