《Table 6.The statistics of production effects of steam and air LTO and air LTO.》

《Table 6.The statistics of production effects of steam and air LTO and air LTO.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Air-SAGD technology for super-heavy oil reservoirs》

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The simulated air injection rate is 20 000 m3/d per well.The simulated production curves of low temperature oxidation and high temperature combustion are shown in Fig.11.Table7 is the statistics of production performance.It can be seen that the effect of high temperature combustion is far better than that of low temperature oxidation.Not only is the air to oil ratio of the high temperature combustion lower than that of low temperature oxidation,but also the oil recovery rate of the high temperature combustion is faster and the final recovery factor of the high temperature combustion is higher.