《Table 1 Binary truth table of the logic gate.Reprinted from ref.[23], with the permission of AIP Pu

《Table 1 Binary truth table of the logic gate.Reprinted from ref.[23], with the permission of AIP Pu   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Nanoscale all-optical logic devices》

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When the ring is at resonance,optical forces cause the freehanging parts to bend downwards,as shown in Figure 6(b)This bending deformation can cause a change in the optica path length that leads to a red-shift in the resonant wavelength,which then affects all the optical modes in the ben rings.Therefore,the output transmission of the probe lightλc is modulated by this resonance shift;as a result,the outpu transmission of the probe light decays,which is defined as the logic“0”.In another situation withoutλaandλb,the probe light cannot resonate with the microrings and the transmission remains relatively high.This state is defined as the logic“1”.The binary truth table for this logic gate is shown in Table 1.The advantages of this logic gate include its low power consumption(approximately 0.5 mW)and its highly compact size(40μm×45μm).