《Tab.1 Theoretical EF values of the three gratings表1 3种光栅的理论EF值》

《Tab.1 Theoretical EF values of the three gratings表1 3种光栅的理论EF值》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Based on the above analysis,when the wavelength of incident light isλ=785 nm and the medium on the grating surface is water,the corresponding optimal sinusoidal silver grating structure has a grating period of P=570 nm,an amplitude of A=15nm and a silver layer thickness of d=100 nm.At this time,the surface enhanced electric field distribution of the sinusoidal silver grating can be obtained using a Matlab simulation,as shown in Fig.5(a).Thus also calculates the SERS enhancement factor(EF),EF≈|E(ω)/E0(ε)|4,where E0(ω)is the electric field intensity of the incident light,and E(ω)is the electric field strength of the surface of the SERS substrate excited by incident light.The specific EF calculated values are shown in Tab.1.