《Table 1 Comparison of mild and severe patients in terms of age at MRI, sex, gestational age, and bi

《Table 1 Comparison of mild and severe patients in terms of age at MRI, sex, gestational age, and bi   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Resting-state network complexity and magnitude changes in neonates with severe hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy》

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Data are expressed as the mean±SD(Student's t-test),except the sex ratio.HIE:Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy;MRI:magnetic res onance imag ing;MDI:ment a l de velopment index;PDI:psychomotor development index.

We first identified the hub regions of the functional networks for each group.The nodes were considered brain hubs if their nodal efficiencies were at least 1 SD greater than the average nodal efficiency of the network.We found significantly fewer hub distributions in the severe HIE group(8hubs)compared with the mild HIE groups(14 hubs)(Figure3A and B,and Table 4) .Further statistical analysis revealed that patients with severe HIE had reduced nodal efficiency in the left rolandic operculum,left supramarginal gyrus,left and right temporal pole(superior temporal gyrus),and right temporal pole(middle temporal gyrus)(Figure 3C and Table 5) .