《Table 1 Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)》

《Table 1 Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The 1∶50 000 geologic map of the Shimen Map sheet,Henan Province was developed according to the‘Technical Requirements for Regional Geological Surveys(Scale:1∶50 000)’based on remote sensing (RS),global satellite positioning system (GPS)and geographical information system(GIS).It was guided by the contemporary systematical perspective of geosciences and new theories on the research of orogen and regional geologic tectonics.During the development of the map,a basic geological survey of the study area was conducted by applying the Point–Routing–Boundary (PRB)digital mapping technique,following the principles of combining remote sensing interpretation with ground survey and combining macroscopic with microscopic geologic mapping.The geographical base map of the 1∶50 000geologic map is taken as the latest geographic data from the National Administration of Surveying,Mapping and Geoinformation of China,and the data were processed by applying existing technical standards and using computer software such as DGSS and Map GIS.