《Table 6 Variations inδ34 SV-CDT compositions of sulfides formed during the two mineralization perio

《Table 6 Variations inδ34 SV-CDT compositions of sulfides formed during the two mineralization perio   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"The Zhaxikang Vein-type Pb-Zn-Ag-Sb Deposit in Himalayan Orogen, Tibet: Product by Overprinting and Remobilization Processes during Post-collisional Period"》

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The S isotope compositions of sulfide minerals from periods A and B that were determined during this study and those previously reported by Yang et al.(2009)are given in Table 6.These samples haveδ34SV-CDT values of4.5‰–13.2‰,consisting of 11.2‰–13.2‰of sphalerite,11.2‰–12.7‰of pyrite,9.9‰of galena.Period A galena,sphalerite,and pyrite yielded a narrow range of positiveδ34SV-CDT values(9.9‰–13.2‰)that are little higher than the range of the period B samples(7.2‰–12.1‰;Fig.16b).In period B,sphalerite from the deposit yields the highestδ34S V-CDT values of 9.1‰–12.1‰,followed by galena and sulfosalt minerals(boulangerite)with 9.4‰and8.7‰–11.2‰in pyrite,while stibnite yielding the lowestδ34S values of 4.5‰–9.2%(Fig.16b).However,the Sisotope compositions of samples from the Zhaxikang deposit differ from those of other Sb-Au deposits in this area,which have values between~5‰and 0‰(Fig.16a).The S isotope composition of south Tibet sedimentary rocks is relatively higher than the period B that is around10‰(Fig.16a).