《Table 3 Characteristics of village planning under different social networks》

《Table 3 Characteristics of village planning under different social networks》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《A Study on Rural Social Network and Village Planning Paradigm in China》

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Source:Revised and supplemented based on He Xuefeng(2012).

In 1965,T.Kuhn(2012)proposed the concept of“paradigm,”to portray the evolution logic of modern science.“Paradigm”is a“consensus”of certain scientific community in a discipline,supporting a series of basic ideas,theories,and methods.The significance of the paradigm theory lies in epistemology,covering philosophical worldviews and methodologies(Wu and Qian,2009).Some scholars divide the development stages of urban planning theories in accordance with the concept of paradigm(see Table 1)(Hall,2014;Taylor,1998;Wu,2000;Zhang,2005;Zhang,2006;He,2008) .