《自学函授英语 4》求取 ⇩

Reading Materials1

1. Ant as a Social Insect1

2. In the Shadow of Etna9

3. Something about Lasers17

4. Making Leather25

5. Is the Sun in Motion?33

6. How we Locate Objects40

7. The Life Style of a Rock Star47

8. Sea Water and Pollution58

9. Three Generatiom of Machine Tool Controls63

10. Don t Push Your Kids Too Hard71

11. Something about Mars78

12. Flying Backwards and Forwards85

13. The Devalopment of Civilization92

14. Patterns of Motion in Our Galaxy101

15. Those Who Ride on Two Wheels109

16. China to Compete with West for Space Commerce117

17. Adventure127

18. Holography135

19. Depression145

20. Sailing on Boats of Sticks and Straw154

21. The Growth of Physics163

22. Bathing171

23. Electric Circuits183

24. Hearing and Your Ears192

25. Benefits from Space Reserch200

26. Agaimt the Storm208

27. A Model for Electric Charge216

28. Man Learned to Wear Clothes224

29. Consumer Decision-Making233

30. Sources of Light243

31. Our Work Would Make My Mother Happy251

32. Nuclear War261

33. Is Your Water Safe?269

34. Does Dieting Make You Fat?278

35. Appropriate Technology289

36. Towards the Unmanned Factory303

37. Experts and Non-experts314

38. Euro Closures-More Chance for Japan323

39. I Led the Attock on Pearl Harbor335

6. The Healing Power of Belief339

40. I Led the Attack on Pearl Herbor (continued)347

1. Computers of Merit359

Supplementary Materials359

2. The Differences between Electricity and Gravity362

3. Going Home to Italy367

4. Europe Looks at Heart Disease370

5. Man and Machine375

7. A Visit to Swiss Underground Caverns384

8. Hide and Seek Is Child s Play388

9. How to Know Animal Sufferings404

10. STS in Further Education409


Key to the Exercises417

1988《自学函授英语 4》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由赵同水等编 1988 北京:北京理工大学出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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