《自由基生命科学进展 第4集》求取 ⇩

对第1~4集《自由基生命科学进展》的综述 方允中1

A Reveiw on Volume 1~4 of Advance in Free Radical Life Sciences Fang Yunzhong17

绿多维胶囊(茶多酚复方)的保健作用 陈国鸣 方允中18

Health Care Actions of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule (Tea Polyphenol Complex) Chen Guoming Fang Yunzhong29

绿多维胶囊清除羟自由基效能的研究 孙存普 田晓华 丛建波 方允中30

Effect of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule on the Efficiency of Scavenging Hydroxyl Radical Sun Cunpu Tian Xiaohu32

绿多维胶囊清除超氧化物自由基效能的研究 孙存普 田晓华 丛建波 方允中33

Effect of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule on the Efficiency of Scavenging Superoxide Radical Sun Cunpu Tian Xiao36


1.Contents of Total Cholesterol,Triglyceride ,Cholesterol in High Density Lipoprotein and Malondiald40

Studies on the Health Care Effects of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule in Clinic40

绿多维胶囊保健作用的研究二、冠心病患者的自觉症状和心电图检查 由运果 方允中 李晓群 徐卓 陈国鸣42

2.Subjective Symptoms and Electrocardiogram Examination in the Patlents with Coronary Heart Disease 50

Studies on the Health Care Effects of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule in Clinic50

绿多维胶囊保健作用的研究三、对原发性高血压的疗效 由运果 方允中 许国海 陈国鸣51

3.Therapeutic Effect on Primary Hypertension You Yunguo Fang Yunzhong Xu Guohai Chen Guoming53

Studies on the Health Care Effects of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule in Clinic53

绿多维胶囊保健作用的研究四、对Ⅱ型糖尿病的疗效 由运果 方允中 许国海 陈国鸣54

4.Therapentical Effect on Type Ⅱ Diabetes You Yunguo Fang Yunzhong Xu Guohai Chen Guoming55

Studies on the Health Care Effects of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule in Clinic55

绿多维胶囊保健作用的研究五、冠心病患者的球结膜微循环变化 由运果 方允中 陈国鸣57

5.Alternation of Bulbar Conjunctival Microcirculation in the patients with Coronary Heart Disease Yo59

Studies on the Health Care Effects of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule in Clinic59

绿多维胶囊保健作用的研究六、对慢性低血压的疗效 由运果 方允中 陈国鸣60

6.Therapeutical Effect on Chronic Hypotension You Yunguo Fang Yunzhong Chen Guoming62

Studies on the Health Care Effects of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule in Clinic62

绿多维胶囊保健作用的研究七、对两例癌症患者在放疗和化疗期间外周血白细胞数下降的改善效应 由运果 方63

7.Improving Effect on the Decrese of Leukocyte Counts in the Blood of two Cancer Patients in the Per65

Studies on the Health Care Effects of Lu-Duo-Wei Capsule in Clinic65

茶多酚对电离辐射所致质粒pBR322 DNA链断裂的防护效应 周丽君 魏康 周平坤 方允中 骆训懿66

Protective Effect of Tea Polyphenol on Strand Breakage of Plasmid pBR322 DNA Induced By Ionizing Rad68

黄芪对家蝇寿命影响的研究 房征宇 田亚平 汪德清 沈文梅 柏珊 贾万钧69

Effect of Astragalus on Life Time of Fly Fang Zhengyu Tian Yaping Wang Deqing Shen Wenmei Bai Sh71

黑茶抗家兔高胆固醇血症的实验观察 刘红鹰 张秀玉 田亚平 沈文梅 方耀云 王沛英72

Studies of the Effects of Dark Tea on Hypercholesterolemia in Rabbits Liu Hongying Zhang Xiuyu Tia74

生物分子组成的小分子单体与活性氧相互作用的研究 张尔贤 俞丽君 肖湘 许亚莉 彭兰芬75

The Effects of Some Biomicromolecula Monomers on Superoxide Anion Radical and Hydroxyl Radical Studi78

冻干精制人红细胞超氧化物歧化酶注射剂研制报告 周潮 方允中 蒋德席80

Rcport on the Production of Lyophilized Human Erythrocyte Superoxide Dismutase Injection Zhou Chao90

免疫应答对兔各组织抗氧化酶活性的影响 杨唐斌 李崎91

The Effect of Immune Response on the Antioxidative Enzyme Activities in White Rabbits Yang Tangbin95

辐射致小鼠染色体畸变及重组人超氧化物歧化酶抗放作用的研究 周丽君 骆训懿 陈晓?谢邦铁 王欲晓96

Radiation-induced Chromosomal Aberration in the Marrow Cells of Mice and the Radioprotective Affecti99

氧自由基在流感病毒感染小鼠致病中的作用 韩娜 张卫东 徐贝力 王美岭 李晓冰 刘斌100

Effect of Oxygen Free Radicals in Influenza-induced Pathogenesis in Mice Han Na Zhang Weidong Xu B105

自由基抑制剂在治疗流感病毒感染小鼠致病中的作用 韩娜 张卫东 徐贝力 王美岭 李晓冰 刘斌106

Trcatment Effect of Oxygen Free Radical Inhibitors on Influenza-induce Pathogenesis in Mice Han Na110

自由基损伤与肾脏疾病关系的研究 姜素芝 张秀玉 田亚平 沈文梅111

Studies on the Relationship between the Renal Diseases and Injurious Effects Free Radical Jiang Suzh114

H2O2与癌基因表达 宋元宗 祝其锋 莫丽儿115

H2O2 and Oncogene Expression Song Yuanzong Zhu Qifeng Mo Li′er118

多催化功能蛋白酶 李培峰 方允中119

Multi-catalytic Proteinase Li Peifeng Fang Yunzhong121

心脑血管疾病患者血清中一氧化氮水平变化的研究 黄迪南 侯敢 夏绪光 张梅丽 祝其锋123

Changes of NO Levels in Serum of Patients with Cerebro-cardiovascular Diseases Huang Dinan Hou Gan126

一氧化氮免疫与免疫性疾病 王丛妙 蔡醒华 方允中127

Nitric Oxide,Immune and Immunologic Diseases Wang Congmiao Cai Xinghua Fang Yunzhong135

介绍几种简单实用的一氧化氮和一氧化氮合酶测定方法 王成彬 沈文梅 田亚平 汪德清 方允中136

Introduction of Several Methods for Estimating Nitric Oxide and Nitric Oxide Synthase Wang Chengbin138

用酶联免疫法测定血Cu,Zn-SOD 杨唐斌 靳文艳 刘振秀139

Enzyme Immunoassay for Cuprozinc-superoxide Dismutase in Whole Blood Yang Tangbin Jin Wenyon Liu Z144

鸟嘌呤碱基氧化损伤产物8-羟基鸟嘌呤的CGC/MS检测 宋元宗 祝其锋 庄海旗 莫丽儿145

The CGC/MS Determination of 8-Hydroxyguanine,a Kind of Oxidative Product of Guanine Song Yuanzong149

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