《三个火枪手》求取 ⇩

1.The Three Gifts of Monsieur d'Artagnan the Elder1

2.Monsieur de Tréville's Anteroom13

3.The Audience21

4.Athos's Shoulder,Porthos's Shoulder Belt,and Aramis's Handkerchief30

5.The King's Musketeers and the Cardinal's Guards37

6.His Majesty King Louis the Thirteenth45

7.The Musketeers at Home61

8.A Court Intrigue69

9.D'Artagnan Proves Himself76

10.A Seventeenth-Century Mousetrap82

11.The Plot Thickens91

12.George Villiers,Duke of Buckingham105

13.Monsieur Bonacieux112

14.The Dark Stranger119

15.Magistrates and Soldiers128

16.Chancellor Séguier Looks for the Bell that He Rang in His Youth135

17.Monsieur and Madame Bonacieux at Home144

18.The Lover and the Husband155


20.The Journey168

21.Lady de Winter178

22.The Merlaison Ballet186

23.The Rendezvous192

24.The Bungalow201


26.Aramis's Thesis224

27.Athos's Wife237

28.The Return253

29.The Search for Equipment265


31.Englishmen and Frenchmen278

32.Lunch with the Coquenards284

33.Maid and Mistress292

34.Equipment for Aramis and Porthos300

35.All Cats Are Gray in the Dark307

36.Dreams of Vengeance313

37.Milady's Secret319

38.How Athos Got His Equipment without Effort325

39.A Vision332

40.The Cardinal340

41.The Siege of La Rochelle346

42.The Anjou Wine356

43.The Colombier-Rouge Inn362

44.The Usefulness of Stovepipes369

45.A Conjugal Scene376

46.The Saint-Gervais Bastion380

47.The Musketeers'Conference386

48.A Family Matter400

49.A Disastrous Setback412

50.A Conversation between Relatives418


52.First Day of Captivity433

53.Second Day of Captivity439

54.Third Day of Captivity445

55.Fourth Day of Captivity452

56.Fifth Day of Captivity458

57.A Superb Dramatic Performance469


59.What Happened in Portsmouth on August 23,1628481

60.In France490

61.The Carmelite Convent at Béthune495

62.Two Types of Demon505

63.The Drop of Water510

64.The Man in the Red Cloak521

65.The Trial526

66.The Execution532



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三个火枪手  上(1998 PDF版)
三个火枪手 上
1998 广州:新世纪出版社
三个火枪手 第三辑 简写本(1993.03 PDF版)
三个火枪手 第三辑 简写本
1993.03 上海译文出版社
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1984 呼和浩特:内蒙古人民出版社
三个火枪手  英文(1995 PDF版)
三个火枪手 英文
1995 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
二十年后  《三个火枪手》续集(1982 PDF版)
二十年后 《三个火枪手》续集
1982 广州:花城出版社
三个火枪手(1998 PDF版)
1998 广州:新世纪出版社
三个火枪手(1995 PDF版)
1995 北京:北京燕山出版社
三个火枪手(1978 PDF版)
1978 上海:上海译文出版社
三个火枪手(1996 PDF版)
1996 北京:知识出版社
三个火枪手  中(1998 PDF版)
三个火枪手 中
1998 广州:新世纪出版社