《商业服务英语会话 英汉对照》求取 ⇩

1.At the Arts and Crafs Store在工艺品商店1

2.At the Deportment Stored在百货商店4

3.1n the Passenger Cabin在飞机客舱里6

4.At the Duty Free shop在免税店10

5.At the Clothing Store在服装商店13

6.At the Bar Room在酒吧间16

7.At the Fashion House在时装公司19

8.At the FAST Food Restaurant在快餐店22

9.At the GROCERY Store在食品杂贷店26

10 .At the Shopping Center在购物中心30

11.At thc Sllk Store在丝织品商店34

12.At thc Airport Restausant在机场饭店37

13.At the Jewelry Store在珠宝饰品商店41

14.At the Hotel Shopping Arcade在宾馆商场45

15.At the Cafeteria在自助餐馆48

16.At the Antique and Curio Shop在古玩商店52

17.At the Textiles Company在纺织品公司55

18.At the Watch and Clock Store在钟表商店61

19.At the Shoe Store在皮鞋商店64

20.At the Shack Bar在点心店67

21.At the Supermarket在超级市场71

22.At the Shanghai Restaurant在上海饭店74

23.At the Carper House在地毯公司78

24.At the Camera Shop在照相机商店83

25.At the Round-the-Clock Store在日夜商店86

26.At the Chinses Medicine Store在中药店90

27.At the Electric Appliances Sales Department在电器门市部93

28.At the Pudong Restaurant在浦东饭店98

29.At the Rent-a-Car Office在出租汽车公司103

30.At the Real Estate Company在房地产公司107

1994《商业服务英语会话 英汉对照》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由童椿华编 1994 上海:学林出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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