《抑制机制与外语阅读研究》求取 ⇩

Chapter 1Introduction1

Chapter 2Literature Review5

2.1 Studies of suppression and reading6

2.2Studies about the role of suppression in language comprehension8

2.2.1 Suppression in L2 comprehension process8

2.2.2 Suppression in EFL listening comprehension9

2.2.3 Suppression in L2 reading comprehension11

Chapter 3Theoretical Framework14

3.1 Theory of Structure Building14

3.2 Enhancement and suppression15

3.3The role of suppression20

3.3.1 Suppression in understanding words20

3.3.2 Suppression in anaphoric reference21

3.3.3 Suppression in cataphoric access24

3.3.4 Suppression in forgetting surface information25

3.4 The relation between the current study and Structure Building27

Chapter 4Research Design28

4.1 Research questions28

4.2 Subjects29

4.3 Instruments29

4.4 Procedures of research30

English Proficiency Test30

English Reading Test31

Resolution of Co-referring Expression31

Chapter 5Data Analysis and Discussion36

5.1Data analysis36

5.1.1 Correlation analysis36

5.1.2 Path analysis44

5.2Theoretical explanation54

5.2.1 Suppression and building of mental representations in L2 reading54

5.2.2 L2 Reading and building of mental representations55

5.2.3 L2 Language proficiency and building of mental representations57

5.2.4 L2 Reading and L2 language proficiency58

5.3Integrated analysis59

5.3.1 Correlation between L2 reading and building of mental representations60

5.3.2 Correlation between L2 language proficiency and building of mental representations62

5.3.3 Correlation between L2 reading and L2 language proficiency63

5.3.4 Suppression in the correlation of the three variables64

Chapter 6Conclusions and Implications67

6.1 Conclusions67

6.2 Limitations and implications71


English Part72

Chinese Part78

Appendix Ⅰ82

Appendix Ⅱ92

Appendix Ⅲ116



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