《世界建筑 NO.54》求取 ⇩

雪梨歌剧院Sydney Opera House9

从雪梨北向的鸟瞰照 Aerial view from North Sydney9

东向鸟瞰照 Aerial view from east10

西向鸟瞰照 Aerial view from west12

从东边所见南端的薄壳群 South end of shells as seen from east14

薄壳屋顶的鸟瞰照 Aerial view of the shell roofs16

东向全景 Eastern panoramic view18

西向全景 Western panoramic view20

南向鸟瞰照 Aerial view from south22

南向全景 Southern panoramic view24

歌剧厅南向立面 South facade of the Opera Theatre26

从音乐厅入口阶级看主餐厅 Main Restaurant as seen from the approach to the Concert Hall28

主餐厅室内 Interior of the Main Restaurant30

同上 Ditto31

音乐厅的门厅 Entrance foyer of the Concert Hall32

同上 Ditto33

音乐厅西侧走廊 Western corridor of the Concert Hall34

同上 Ditto35

歌剧院室内 Interior of the Opera Theatre36

音乐厅室内 Interior of the Concert Hall37

音乐厅北侧休息廊 Northern lounge of the Concert Hall38

基地北端的小广场 Plaza at the north end of the site39

歌剧院薄壳外观(细部) Exterior of the Opera Theatre shells (detail)40

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