《Table 5 Urinary marker levels at enrollment according to the score of computed tomography Grade by

《Table 5 Urinary marker levels at enrollment according to the score of computed tomography Grade by   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Usefulness of urinary trypsinogen-2 and trypsinogen activation peptide in acute pancreatitis:A multicenter study in Japan》

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Extra-pancreatic progression of inflammation:0=anterior pararenal space,1=root of mesocolon,2=beyond the lower pole of the kidney.Hypoenhanced lesion of the pancreas:The pancreas was divided into three segments.0=signal was localized in each segment or o

The severity of acute pancreatitis within 48 h of entry was evaluated using the criteria established by the JMHLW(2008)for severity assessment of acute pancreatitis,in which patients were diagnosed as severe acute pancreatitis based on≥3 of 9prognostic factors and/or CT grading≥2 based on contrast-enhanced CT scan(Table1)[15].