《Table 3 Means of symptoms ratings for 20 cowpea plants for each inoculated treatment for each of th

《Table 3 Means of symptoms ratings for 20 cowpea plants for each inoculated treatment for each of th   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Interactive Effect of Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus and Cucumber mosaic virus on Vigna unguiculata》

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Note:Different letters indicate significant differences according to Fisher’s protected least significant difference test(P<0.05).

There was an interaction in the mixed infection of CMV and BlCMV compared with either virus or a mock-inoculated control which was observed in the reduction in stem height.Plants with mixed infection of CMV and BlCMV showed high disease severity expression phenotypically(Fig.1)which suggested interaction with symptoms expression of severe mosaic,mottling,chlorosis,stunting,leaf distortion and serious reduction in leaf size(Table 3).There were variations in observable symptoms in each symptom phase rating and symptom description(Fig.2).