《Table 2 Foreign Exchange Reserves to Debt Ratio of Sri Lanka (2009-2017)》

《Table 2 Foreign Exchange Reserves to Debt Ratio of Sri Lanka (2009-2017)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Source:Annual reports of Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL)

Meanwhile,Sri Lanka’s foreign exchange reserves have grown much slower than its external debt,which severely restricts its ability to repay debt.From 2009 to 2017,the foreign exchange reserves of Sri Lanka were between$5 billion to$8 billion.In 2017,the figure rebounded to$7.96 billion,which could only satisfy the country’s import needs for 4.6 months.16 During the same period,the foreign exchange reserves to debt ratio kept tailing off and has decreased from 25.6%in 2009 to 12.9%in 2016(see Table 2).Although this ratio in 2017 increased again to 15.4%,it still indicates that Sri Lanka does not own enough foreign reserves to cover the payment of its external debt.