《Table 5 Comparisons of plant height, leaf stem ratio and DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum in autumn id

《Table 5 Comparisons of plant height, leaf stem ratio and DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum in autumn id   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level,and different capital letters in the same column indicate significant differences at the 0.01 level.*indicates a significant difference between means at the

As shown in Table 5,the DW/FW ratios of forage sorghum sown on July 23rd,July 29th,August 6th,August 14th,August 22nd and August 30th were 0.301,0.299,0.280,0.253,0.237 and 0.257,respectively,indicating that the DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum was tended to decrease with the delay of sowing date.The DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum sown on July23rd was the highest(0.301),which was 0.59%higher than that(0.299)of forage sorghum sown on July 29th(P>0.05)and was 7.04%~21.31%higher than those of forage sorghum sown on other dates(P<0.01).It indicated that the sowing of forage sorghum in autumn idle land should not be too late.The DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum sown on July 29th ranked second,6.49%~20.85%higher than those of forage sorghum sown on other dates(P<0.01).The DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum sown on August 22nd was the lowest(0.237),6.24%~21.31%lower than those of forage sorghum sown on other dates(P<0.01).The DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum sown on August 30th was0.257,which differed insignificantly compared with that of forage sorghum sown on August 14th(P>0.05)but differed significantly compared with those of forage sorghum sown on other dates(P<0.01).The growth of forage sorghum sown on August 30th was in the dry stage with less precipitation,and a drier environment resulted in a lower water content of the plant,so the DW/FW ratio increased instead.