《Table 1 Seven invariance classes in the new GPS system》

《Table 1 Seven invariance classes in the new GPS system》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Modeling of Geometric Variations Within Three-Dimensional Tolerance Zones》

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PT:point;SL:straight line;PL:plane;HX:helix;Rx,Ry,Rz:three independent rotations around axes x,y,z;Tx,Ty,Tz:three independent translation along these axes

The new generation GPS system also gives the concepts and complementary application of surface model,invariance class,Degree of Invariance(DOI),intrinsic and situation feature etc.,to take a massive leap forw ard for digital control function of geometrical feature from the definition,description,specification to the actual inspection evaluation process.In the new GPS system,the geometries of w orkpieces are divided into seven types of commonly used w hich are called seven invariance classes.Seven invariance classes and their DOIs are show n in Table 1.