《Table 7Effect of C.dichotoma extract on liver oxidative stress of hyperlipidemic rats.》

《Table 7Effect of C.dichotoma extract on liver oxidative stress of hyperlipidemic rats.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Evaluation of possible mechanisms of Cordia dichotoma fruits for hyperlipidemia controlling in Wistar albino rats》

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Data are represented as mean±SE.Mean of six replicates.Data analyzed by ANOVA,value with the same letter is not significant but value with different letter is significant at P<0.05.H2O2:hydrogen peroxide;MDA:malondialdehyde.

Compared with negative control,feeding rats on high-fat diet caused oxidative stress in liver cells and it was showed by a significant increment in MDA and H2O2 concentrations,which were the powerful oxidants in cells(Table 7).