《Table 4–Top 10 candidate crosses selected by usefulness of selection index.》

《Table 4–Top 10 candidate crosses selected by usefulness of selection index.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Use of genomic selection and breeding simulation in cross prediction for improvement of yield and quality in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)》

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EXT,extensibility;MR,maximum resistance;P1,parent 1;P2,parent 2;RILs was selected using a proportion of 0.05,and used in calculating the progeny mean;MP,midparent GEBV.aProgeny means over midparent GEBVs.

Trait correlations changed from parental to progeny populations.As an example,Fig.7 shows distribution of correlations between two quality traits and yield.In the training population,the correlation was-0.02 between MR and yield,and-0.68 between EXT and yield(Table 2).However,the correlations ranged from-0.61 to 0.63 for MR(Fig.7-A)with a mean of-0.008,and from-0.88 to 0.27 for EXT(Fig.7-B)with a mean of-0.51.Thus,even though a quality trait showed a strong negative correlation with yield in training population,it was still possible to see a positive correlation in the progeny population derived from two parents selected from the training population.