《英语口语教程 3 英语高级口语》求取 ⇩



Oral Functions Bank15

1.Does Television Play a Positive or Negative Role in the Modern Society?17

2.Are Pets Good for Mankind?29

3.Should the Brain Drain be Stopped by Restrictions?43

4.Does Criticism Do More Harm ThanGood to People?55

5.Is It Good forStudentsto Have Part-time Jobs?65

6.Is Euthanasia Humane?78

7.Do Examinations Do More Harm Than Good?91

8.Should We Diet in Order to Keep Fit?102

9.Is It a Good Idea to Control Population Growth in the World?114

10.Should Students Only Learn from Books?128

11.Does Parental Permissiveness Affeet Children's Development?140

12.Is It Necessary to Develop Tourism?159

13.Work to Live or Live to Work?175

14.Does the Younger Generation Know Best?189

15.Should Smoking be Prohibited?204

16.Is Money the Most Important Thing in Life?219

17.Is Romantic Love the Most Important Condition for Marriage?232

18.Should Women be Treated the Same as Men?250

19.Is It Good to Live in a Large Modern City?266

20.Is Housing Reform Necessary?280

21.Should People be Promoted According to Ability?291

22.Should Capital Punishment Be a Major Deterrent to Crime?303

23.Is It Necessary to Keep the“Iron Rice Bowl”?319

24.Does Fashion Contribute Anything to Society?333

25.Do Advertisements Play a Positive or Negative Role in Our Society?348

26.Does Divorce Represent Social Progress?366

27.Is the Prospect of Growing Old a Bleak One?379

28.Are Cars Doing More Harm Than Good?391

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