《财经英语 基础部分》求取 ⇩

Unit One1

Text:A Day in the Life of Prue Leith11

Dialogue:Meeting on the Campus11

Grammar:Parts of Speech11

Unit Two11

Text:A Letter21

Dialogue:Helping a Foreign Visitor21

Grammar:Ⅰ.The Number of Nouns21


Unit Three21

Ⅱ.The Uses of Articles31

Unit Four31

Text:Seeing a Doctor31

Grammar:Ⅰ.Verb to be31

Dialogue:At the Doctor s Office31


Dialogue:Seeing a Film?40

Grammar:Ⅰ.Kinds of ?ente?es40

Ⅱ.Verb to ha?40

Unit Five40

Unit Six49

Grammar:The Interrogative Sentence49

Text:Two Languages or One49

Dialogue:Asking for Leave49

Text:Healthy Trees59

Dialogue:Telling the Time59

Grammar:Ⅰ.The Simple Present Tense59

Ⅱ.The Cardinal Numbers59

Ⅲ.The Expression of Hours59

Unit Seven59

Unit Eight69

Ⅱ.Ordinal Numbers69

Grammar:Ⅰ.The present Continuous Tense69

Dialogue:With a Friend in a Coffee Bar69

Text:Exploring the Ocean Depths69

Text:English Money79

Dialogue:What a Good Idea!79

Grammar:Ⅰ.The Future Tense79

Ⅱ.Pattern of There Be79

Unit Nine79

Unit Ten89

Grammar:The Simple Past Tense89

Dialogue:My Favorite Subject89

Text:Mr.Rabbit Kills a Wolf89

Text:Old Faithful99

Dialogue:Have You Been There Before99

Grammar:The Present Perfect Tense99

Unit Eleven99

Text:Producing a Global Village110

Dialogue:At the Post Office110

Grammar:The Modal Verbs110

Unit Twelve110

Grammar:The Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectivesand Adverbs120

Unit Thirteen120

Text:On the Island120

Dialogue:Which City is More Interesting?120


Dialogue:What s the Weather Like in Zaire128

Grammar:The Past Continuous Tense128

Unit Fourteen128

Unit Fifteen136

Grammar:The Past Future Tense136

Dialogue:Where is the Dog136

A Speech Made by the Oldest Mouse136

Text:Bell the Cat!136

Text:A Quiet Evening145

Dialogue:American Holidays145

Grammar:The Past Perfect Tense145

Unit Sixteen145

Unit Seventeen158

Grammar:Direct Speech and Indirect Speech158

Dialogue:Oral Examination158

(2)Balzac and the Thief158

(1)Balzac as a Handwriting Expert158

Text:Stories of Balzac158


Dialogue:At the Railway Station168

Grammar:Passive Voice168

Unit Eighteen168

Text:Computers in Your Life179

Dialogue:Making an Appointment179

Grammar:Word Formation179


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基础英语(1997 PDF版)
1997 北京:北京理工大学出版社
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1996 北京:中国金融出版社
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财经英语公共基础教程 第2册
1996 北京:中国金融出版社