《英美短篇时文选读 英汉对照》求取 ⇩

1.Population and Labour in Siberia4

2.Nazi Massacre in Babi Yar8

3.The Drift from the Land12

4.The 1972 Soviet Wheat Deal16

5.Material Conditions in USSR20

6.The Soviet Navy24

7.Air Force Competition28

8.Underground Shopping Centre30

9.Rise of U.S.Industrial Society34

10.Rise of the U.S.Superpower38

11.Superpower:A Portrait of America in the 70s42

12.U.S.-China Peoples Friendships Association.46

13.Six Monopoly Capitalists in the U.S50

14.Governor Brown of California56

15.Barbara Jordan:Rising Political Star60

16.Charles E.Bohlen64

17.PaulRobeson:Revolutionary Artist68

18.Two Crucial Tapes72

19.The Fall of Spiro Agnew74

20.U.S.President Ford Almost Killed76

21.Henry Kissinger80

22.Social Parties in Washington84

23.Nepotism in U.S.Congress88

24.Trick Played by U.S.Government92

25.Soaring Gas Prices96

26.Capturing Clean Gas and Oil from Coal98

27.The Bad News About Oil100

28.Alaska Oil102

29.The Multinational Corporations104

30.Sugar Profits and Rockefeller108

31.Grain Export Paying for Oil Import112

32.New U.S.Farmland116

33.An Act of Charity120

34.Slavery on U.S.Farm122

35.Perceiving Poverty Among the Plenty126

36.The Afro-Americans130

37.Black Hit Hardest by Crisis134

38.Racist Killing138

39.The Illegal Jobholders in U.S142

40.U.S.Households Getting Smaller146

41.Why So Many Wives Are Running Away150

42.Black-Market Babies in U.S154

43.The Killer Society158

44.U.S.Street Gangs162

45.Philadelphia's Youth Gangs166

46.Street Gangs in Detroit170

47.Youth Gangs in Chicago174

48.Street Gangs in Los Angeles178

49.Youth-gangs in New York City182


51.Private Police190

52.Crowded Prisoners194

53."Now I Can Live Again"198

54.Vandalism in U.S.A202

55.The Question of Death206

56.Suicides in the U.S.A210

57.U.S.Airliner Crashes into Sea214

58.Crisis in U.S.Schools218

59.Inflation on the Campus222

60.How Many U.S.Children in School?226

61.The University of Texas230

62.Student Rally in Boston234

63.Against Laxity in Grading238

64.Joint Forces For Tourism242


66.The Costs of Arms Race248

67.Latin America252


69.Peasants in Brazil260

70.A Rich Man in America264

1980《英美短篇时文选读 英汉对照》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由陈翰笙选译;张澍智注释 1980 北京:商务印书馆 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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