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Ⅰ.The Middle Ages1




Sir Gawain and the Green Knight12

The Popular Ballad and The Geste of Robin Hood13

Piers Plowman14

Geoffrey Chaucer15

The Canterbury Tales17

Morte d'Arthur23

The Early Drama24


The Historical Background26

The Development of Literature29

William Shakespeare37


Act Ⅲ,Scene Ⅰ43

The Merchant of Venice46

Act Ⅳ,Scene Ⅰ46

Sonnet 1865

Sonnet 2966

Francis Bacon67

Of Studies70

Of Youth and Age72

Ⅲ.The Period of the Puritan Revolution and the Period of the Restoration76

The Historical Background76

The Development of the Literature78

John Milton83

from Paradise Lost89

To Mr.Cyriack Skinner Upon His Blindness96

John Bunyan98

from The Pilgrim's Progress100

John Dryden113

An Essay of Dramatic Poesy116

Ⅳ.The Age of Enlightenment123

The Historical Background123

The Development of Literature126

Daniel Defoe143

Robinson Crusoe147

The Other Side of the Island147

Crusoe Saves Friday from the Cannibals154

Jonathan Swift159

Gulliver's Travels163

Chapter Ⅳ163


Henry Fielding177

The History of Tom Jones,A Foundling179



Robert Burns189

My Heart's in the Highlands193

A Red,Red Rose194

Ⅴ.The Romantic Period196

The Historical Background196

The Development of the Literature197

William Wordsworth198

Lines Composed A Few Miles Above204

Tintern Abbey204

I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud211

The Solitary Reaper213

George Noel Gordon Byron215

The Isle of Greece220

Percy Bysshe Shelley226

Song to the Men of England230

Ode to the West Wind233

John Keats239

Ode to a Nightingale242

Jane Austen248

Pride and Prejudice250

Chapter Ⅰ250

Ⅵ.Literature of Critical Realism255

The Historical Background255

The Development of Literature259

Charies Dickens281

David Copperfield285



William Makepeace Thackeray296

Vanity Fair300


Charlotte Brontё314

Jane Eyre316

Chapter Ⅴ316

Emily Brontё334

Wuthering Heights334

Chapter ⅩⅤ334

Thomas Hardy344

Tess ofthe D'Urbervilles349

Chapter ⅩⅩⅩⅤ349

Ⅶ.The Twentieth Century Engl ish Literature361

The Historical Background361

The Development of Literature362

John Galsworthy372

The Forsyte Sag:In Chancery375

George Bernard Shaw382

Mrs.Warren's Profession387


Joseph Conrad411

from Heart of Darkness413


A Passage to India429



Sonsand Lovers444

Chapter Ⅹ444


The Waste Land474

Ⅰ.The Burial of the Dead474

Virginia Woolf483

from To the Lighthouse486

James Joyce497

A Portrait ofthe Artist as a Young Man500

Chapter Ⅰ500

Chapter Ⅴ505

Main Reference Books510

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