《英语阅读教程 4》求取 ⇩

Unit I Texts 1--41

IA Reading for Comprehension of Speed1

1.In Search of Silence1

2.Robert Baden-Powell,Secret Agent7

3.Safeguarding Life12

4.Along the Mighty Thames18

IB Learning about Reading Skills23

IC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed27

5.The House That Hippo Built29

ⅡA Reading for Comprehension and Speed29

Unit Ⅱ Texts 5--829

6.Religions of the East35

7.Manners Here,Manners There41

8.The House of Alphonse46

ⅡB Learning about Reading Skills52

ⅡC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed54

Unit Ⅲ Texts 9--1256

ⅢA Reading for Comprehension and Speed56

9.Weather Catastrophe--Then and Now?56

10.The Chimp-O-Mat62

11.The Noisy World of the Skindiver67

12.The Wisdom of Socrates73

ⅢB Learning about Reading Skills78

ⅢC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed82

Unit Ⅳ Texts 13--1684

ⅣA Reading for Comprehension and Speed84

13.Telltale Trees84

14.Six Months in-Another World90

15.The Strange Saga of Ivan the Terrible96

16.Our Greatest Possession102

ⅣB Learning about Reading Skills108

ⅣC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed110

Unit Ⅴ Texts 17--20113

ⅤA Reading for Comprehension and Speed113

17.Sweet Jubilee113

18.On Being Translated into English119

19.Organized Crime124

20.Lady of the Wasteland129

ⅤB Learning about Reading Skills134

ⅤC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed137

21.The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse139

Unit Ⅵ Texts 21--24139

ⅥA Reading for Comprehension and Speed139

22.I ve Thumbed My Last Ride145

23.The “Upstart Crow”151

24.The People Will Live on157

ⅥB Learning about Reading Skills163

ⅥC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed166

Unit Ⅶ Texts 25--28168

ⅦA Reading for Comprehension and Speed168

25.Needed:An International Language168

26.Jet-Age Smugglers174

27.Is a Race of Robot Possible?180

28.The Sun Also Rises186

ⅦB Learning about Reading Skills192

ⅦC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed194

Unit Ⅷ Texts 29--32196

ⅧA Reading for Comprehension and Speed196

29.Anatomy of a Martian196

30.The Piece of String202

31.Eskimos in Japan208


ⅧB Learning about Reading Skills220

ⅧC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed224

Unit Ⅸ Texts 33--36226

ⅨA Reading for Comprehension and Speed226

33.Conversation with a Chimpanzee226

34.The Real Sherlock Holmes232

35.Fact Catches up with Fiction238

36. How to Mark a Book244

ⅨB Learning about Reading Skills250

ⅨC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed253

Unit Ⅹ Texts 37--40256

ⅩA Reading for Comprehension and Speed256

37.Village Inventors256

38.Killer Reef262

39.For All Women268

40.Samuel Johnson and His Works274

ⅩB Learning about Reading Skills280

ⅩC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed282

Key to Exercises285

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高级英语阅读教程(1995 PDF版)
1995 南京:南京大学出版社
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1988 北京:高等教育出版社
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1999 北京:清华大学出版社
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1992 青岛:青岛海洋大学出版社
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1996 北京:清华大学出版社