《英语阅读教程 2》求取 ⇩

Unit I Texts 1--41

IA Reading for Comprehension and Speed1

1.What s in An Indian s Name1

2.Let s Climb Popo6

3.The Laugher11

4.Life in Death16

IB Learning about Skills and Words21

IC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed24

Unit Ⅱ Texts 5--826

ⅡA Reading for Comprehension and Speed26

5.Traveling in the Jungle26

6.The Left-footed Thief31

7.The Perfect Match36

8.The Watch41

ⅡB Learning about Skills and Words46

ⅡC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed48

Unit Ⅲ Texts 9--1250

ⅢA Reading for Comprehension and Speed50

9.The Gentleman in White50


11.Early Days of the Mail60

12.Clocks Through Time65

ⅢB Learning about Skills and Words70

ⅢC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed73

Unit Ⅳ Texts 13--1675

ⅣA Reading for Comprehension and Speed75

13.How Hurricanes Get Their Names75

14.The Little Gypsy Horse80

15.The Vanished City85

16.The Legend of Dr.Norman Bethune90

ⅣB Learning about Skills and Words95

ⅣC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed97

Unit Ⅴ Texts 17--2099

ⅤA Reading for Comprehension and Speed99

17.Disaster in Dayton99

18.Surprises in Ice104

19.A Pound of Butter109

20.Learning a Language114

ⅤB Learning about Skills and Words119

ⅤC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed122

Unit Ⅵ Texts 21--24124

ⅥA Reading for Comprehension and Speed124

21.He Led a Useful Life124

22.Postmen with Feathers129

23.Arctic Adventure134

24.When Marriage Is a Crime139

ⅥB Learning about Skills and Words144

ⅥC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed147

Unit Ⅶ Texts 25--28149

ⅦA Reading for Comprehension and Speed149

25.Mister Imagination149

26.The Gift of Fire154

27.Why Study Math159

28.The Whistle Language of La Gomera164

ⅦB Learning about Skills and Words169

ⅦC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed172

Unit Ⅷ Texts 29--32174

ⅧA Reading for Comprehension and Speed174

29.How Stanley Found Livingstone174

30.Midnight Visit179

31.School s out184

32.Education out of School189

ⅧB Learning about Skills and Words194

ⅧC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed197

Unit Ⅸ Texts 33-36199

ⅨA Reading for Comprehension and Speed199

33.First Passage199

34.The Mysterious Man-of-war204

35.Living Light209

36.A French Boy s Adventures214

ⅨB Learning about Skills and Words219

ⅨC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed222

Unit Ⅹ Texts 37--40224

ⅩA Reading for Comprehension and Speed224

37.The Little People224

38.Mississippi Steamboat Days229

39.Brave Ballerina234

40.What had Become of Mr.Brayton239

ⅩB Learning about Skills and Words244

ⅩC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed246

Key to Exercises249

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财经英语阅读教程(1995 PDF版)
1995 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
《新英语教程》阅读  第2册(1999.07 PDF版)
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高中英语阅读教程(1993 PDF版)
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1990 北京:清华大学出版社
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1992 长春:吉林大学出版社
新英语教程  阅读  第2册(1995 PDF版)
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1995 北京:清华大学出版社
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1999 北京:清华大学出版社