《实用英语综合教程 第2版》求取 ⇩

Unit 11

Text A: Public Relations1

Text B: The Interview9

Skill Development and Practice15

●Reading Skills—Cause and Effect15

●Translation Practice—正反译16

●Guided Writing—Cause and Effect17


●Listening and Speaking20

Text A: What Is Culture?23

Unit 223

Text B: Food and Culture31

Skill Development and Practice36

●Reading Skills—Comparison and Contrast36

●Translation Practice—反正译37

●Guided Writing—Comparison and Contrast38


●Listening and Speaking40

Unit 343

Text A: A Look at Tomorrow43

Text B: Are Computers Alive?50

●Reading Skills—Exemplification55

Skill Development and Practice55

●Translation Practice—分译(1)56

●Guided Writing—Exemplification57


●Listening and Speaking59

Unit 462

Text A: The Bermuda Triangle62

Text B: Sounds We Cannot Hear70

Skill Development and Practice75

●Reading Skills—Classification75

●Guided Writing—Classification77

●Translation Practice—分译(2)77


●Listening and Speaking79

Unit 583

Text A: Modem Communication: The Laser and Fiber-Optic Revolution83

Text B: Intel Announces US$50 Million for China Research Center91

Skill Development and Practice95

●Reading Skills—Definition95

●Translation Practice—合译(1)97

●Guided Writing—Definition98


●Listening and Speaking99

Text A: Do Animals Have a Culture?103

Unit 6103

Text B: Animal Learning: Pavlov and Beyond110

Skill Development and Practice114

●Reading Skills—Process114

●Translation Practice—合译(2)115

●Guided Writing—Process116


●Listening and Speaking117

Unit 7121

Text A: A Friend on the Line121

Text B: Sorry Sir, Sorry, Sorry128

●Reading Skills—Spatial Order133

Skill Development and Practice133

●Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(1)135

●Guided Writing—Spatial Order136


●Listening and Speaking138

Unit 8143

Text A: The Crime of the Century143

Text B: The Finger of Suspicion150

Skill Development and Practice156

●Reading Skills—Time Sequence156

●Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(2)157

●Guided Writing—Time Sequence158


●Listening and Speaking160

Unit 9163

Text A: Energy Crisis163

Text B: Nuclear Power: Advantages That Outweigh the Risks171

Skill Development and Practice177

●Reading Skills—Understanding the Author s Opinion177

●Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(3)178

●Guided Writing—Expressing an Opinion179


●Listening and Speaking182

Text A: Back to Nature185

Unit 10185

Text B: Huge Cities of the Future192

Skill Development and Practice198

●Reading Skills—Drawing a Conclusion198

●Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(4)199

●Guided Writing—Drawing a Conclusion200


●Listening and Speaking202


Phrases and Expressions222


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《实用英语综合教程》学习指南  第1册(1999 PDF版)
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