《实用英语 综合教程 第1册》求取 ⇩


Text A:College-A New Experience1

Text B:How to Study Read9

Reading Skills-Reading for the Main Idea(1)13

Comprehensive Practice16

Guided Writing-缩略词19

Translation Practice-选择词义21

Listening and Speaking22

UNIT 225

Text A:Rock and Roll25

Text B:The First American Music34

Reading Skills-Reading for the Main Idea(2)38

Comprehensive Practice41

Guided Writing-标志用语43

Translation Practice-引申词义45

Listening and Speaking46

UNIT 349

Text A:Why Nations Trade49

Text B:Stocks and Shares59

Reading Skills-Guessing Unknown Words(1)63

Comprehensive Practice67

Guided Writing-如何写信封68

Translation Practice-转译词类71

Listening and Speaking72

UNIT 477

Text A:The First Four Minutes77

Text B:Table Manners and Customs85

Reading Skills-Guessing Unknown Words(2)88

Comprehensive Practice91

Guided Writing-书信格式92

Translation Practice-转译词类94

Listening and Speaking95

UNIT 5101

Text A:Community Service101

Text B:People on the Move110

Reading Skills-Making Use of Contents and Index113

Comprehensive Practice118

Guided Writing-明信片120

Translation Practice-转译词类123

Listening and Speaking124

UNIT 6127

Text A:Working Hard or Hardly Working?127

Text B:Stress136

Reading Skills-Recognizing Punctuation139

Comprehensive Practice142

Guided Writing-贺卡145

Translation Practice-转译词类147

Listening and Speaking148

UNIT 7151

Text A:The Brain151

Text B:How Your Memory Works160

Reading Skills-Understanding Reference163

Comprehensive Practice167

Guided Writing-便条169

Translation Practice-转译词类171

Listening and Speaking172

UNIT 8175

Text A:Getting to the Airport175

Text B:Coincidences or Miracles?184

Reading Skills-Recognizing Logical Connectors187

Comprehensive Practice190

Guided Writing-通知、告示193

Translation Practice-增词195

Listening and Speaking195

UNIT 9199

Text A:What's New199

Text B:Searching for a Uniform Sign Language209

Reading Skills-Understanding Synonym212

Comprehensive Practice216

Guided Writing-请假条219

Translation Practice-“As”的译法221

Listening and Speaking222

UNIT 10227

Text A:Surveys,Surveys and More Surveys227

Text B:Advertising235

Reading Skills-Distinguishing Facts from Opinions238

Comprehensive Practice241

Guided Writing-请柬243

Translation Practice-省略译245

Listening and Speaking246


Phrases and Expressions267

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