《实用英语 综合教程 2》求取 ⇩


Text A:Public Relations1

Text B:The Interview10

Reading Skills—Cause and Effect14

Comprehensive Practice17

Guided Writing—Cause and Effect20


Translation Practice—正反译23

Listening and Speaking24


Text A:What Is Culture?27

Text B:Food and Culture35

Reading Skills—Comparison and Contrast39

Comprehensive Practice42

Guided Writing—Comparison and Contrast45


Translation Practice—反正译47

Listening and Speaking48


Text A:A Look at Tomorrow51

Text B:Are Computers Alive?60

Reading Skills—Exemplification63

Comprehensive Practice67

Guided Writing—Exemplification69


Translation Practice—分译(1)71

Listening and Speaking72

UNIT 475

Text A:The Bermuda Triangle75

Text B:Sounds We Cannot Hear84

Reading Skills—Classification88

Comprehensive Practice91

Guided Writing—Classification93


Translation Practice—分译(2)95

Listening and Speaking96


Text A:Meeting with Chou99

Text B:My First Visit to China109

Reading Skills—Definition112

Comprehensive Practice115

Guided Writing—Definition117


Translation Practice—合译(1)120

Listening and Speaking120


Text A:Do Animals Have a Culture?125

Text B:Animal Learning:Pavlov and Beyond133

Reading Skills—Process136

Comprehensive Practice139

Guided Writing—Process142


Translation Practice—合译(2)144

Listening and Speaking145

UNIT 7149

TextA:A Friend on the Line149

Text B:Sorry Sir,Sorry,Sorry158

Reading Skills—Spatial Order161

Comprehensive Practice164

Guided Writing—Spatial Order167


Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(1)170

Listening and Speaking171


Text A:The Crime of the Century175

Text B:The Finger of Suspicion184

Reading Skills—Time Sequence187

Comprehensive Practice191

Guided Writing—Time Sequence193


Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(2)194

Listening and Speaking195


Text A:Energy Crisis199

Text B:Nuclear Power:Advantages That Outweigh the Risks209

Reading Skills—Understanding the Author's Opinion212

Comprehensive Practice216

Guided Writing—Expressing an Opinion218


Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(3)221

Listening and Speaking221


Text A:Back to Nature225

Text B:Huge Cities of the Future234

Reading Skills—Drawing a Conclusion236

Comprehensive Practice239

Guided Writing—Drawing a Conclusion243


Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(4)246

Listening and Speaking246


Phrases and Expressions267

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