《用英语环游世界 上 中国:出发前的准备》求取 ⇩



1.How are you?1


2.You're welcome.5

3.Are you a student?10

4.What's your name?14

5.What time is it?19

6.Who's that man over there?24

7.What's this?29

8.Where's the post office?35

9.How's the weather outside?41

10.She isn't here today.47

11.How old're you?53

12.Which teacher do you have?59

13.How many brothers do you have?65

14.Isn't he a very young doctor?72

15.Don't you have a class now?78

16.How much's that one?84

17.Don't they have anything else?90

18.How're your mother and father?96

19.What kind of a teacher is he?102

20.Doesn't he have a class now?108

21.Don't you have any plans?114

22.When's your trip?119

23.What do you do with it?125

24.What do you mean?131

25.Wait a minute!137

26.Don't mention it.142

27.When's your class begin?148

28.When can he leave for the trip?154

29.Is he studying English?160

30.Why're you planning a trip by plane?166

31.How're you making the arrangements?173

32.What can I do for you?180

33.What visas do you need?186

34.Who'd you talk to?193

35.Whv'd she do that?200

36.What'd she tell you?206

37.Did you have a good time?212

38.What do you put on your cereal?218

39.When do youshake hands?224

40.When're you going to leave?230

41.When'd you get back to Beijing?236

42.Why do you want to fly?243

43.Are you going to go to the airport?249

44.Can I do anything for you?256

45.How do you feel about the trip?262

46.Is everyone ready?269

47.Where do we go when we get to the airport?276

48.Do you have your tickets?282

49.What do we do now?288

50.Have a wonderful trip!295

1994《用英语环游世界 上 中国:出发前的准备》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由(美)布罗斯纳安(Brosnahan,Leger)著;张 玲 1994 北京:北京语言学院出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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