《当代人物轶事 英语注译读物》求取 ⇩

1. Shirley Temple1

2. Jimmy Carter’s Mentor8

3. Tarzan the Ape Man14

4. The Treasury Secretary Was a Shanghai Kid21

5. Sobhuza II27

6. Marathon Swimmer Diana Nyad35

7. Man First or Woman First?42

8. Breaking the Watergate Seandal49

9. Inventor of the Richter Seale57

10. Black Aetress Lena Horne64

11. Two Dr. Polatins71

12. Publie Opinion Pollster Gallup78

13. Early Life of Indira Gandhi85

14. Eddie the Monkey Man93

15. Publish or Perish100

16. Akio Morita,Chairman of Sony108

17. A Bachelor Adopts Sixteen Sons115

18. Iee Gream Tycoon123

19. T.D.Lysenko and Biology130

20. A Successor to Newton and Einstein138

21. A Magician Fighting against Flimflam146

22. A Geneticist in Solitude153

23. A Palestinian Family161

24. Wealtl and Crime168

25. To the Rescue of Trapped Jessica175

26. Chilling Tales of the Flesh Trade183

27. Stock Forecaster Joseph Granville190

28. Misunderstood for 31 Years,Free at Last197

29. The Bonded Laborer in India204

30. Luck or Coincidence?212

31. Athletes and Drugs219

32. TV Hostess Yue-Sai Kan227

33. Crime and Punishment235

34. Figure Skater Scott Hamilton243

35. The Marcoses Indicted250

36. Who Gets the Fertilized Eggs?258

37. The Richest Woman and Her Daughter266

38. Caring for the Poorest of the Poor274

39. Nancy Reagan s “Little Rule”282

40. A Canadian Folk Hero291

Key to Exercises298

1993《当代人物轶事 英语注译读物》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由唐金龙编注 1993 上海:上海外语教育出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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