Part I Growing Up1

1. A Country Childhood3

2. Eton31

3. The Army69

4. Cambridge77

Part II Diplomacy99

5. London101

6. Peking108

7. New York147

8. London167

9. Rome174

Part III Backroom Politics185

10. Conservative Research Department187

11. Number Ten211

Part IV Opposition251

12. Backbencher253

13. Shadow Minister267

Part V Junior Minister283

14. The Foreign Office285

15. The Home Office318

Part VI the Cabinet325

16. Northern Ireland327

17. Home secretary349

18. Crime373

19. The Conservative Party396

20. Summer Holidays405

Part VII Foreign Affairs411

21. Germany and the End of the Cold war413

22. Desert shield430

23. The Departure of Margaret Thatcher and a Leadership Contest435

24. Desert Storm, A New Prime Minister and Europe450

25. Croatia and Bosnia490

26. Hong Kong528

27. The Wider World541

28. Close of a Career563



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