Part. I: Introduction: developing a regional approach to global security1

1: Theories and histories about the structure of contemporary international security6

2: Levels: distinguishing the regional from the global27

3: Security complexes: a theory of regional security40

Part. II: Asia91

4: South Asia: inching towards internal and external transformation101

5: Northeast and Southeast Asian RSCs during the Cold War128

6: The 1990s and beyond: an emergent East Asian complex144

Conclusions: scenarios for the Asian supercomplex172

Part. III: The Middle East and Africa185

7: The Middle East: a perennial conflict formation187

8: Sub-Saharan Africa: security dynamics in a setting of weak and failed states219


Part. IV: The Americas265

9: North America: the sole superpower and its surroundings268

10: South America: an under-conflictual anomaly?304

Conclusions: scenario for the RSCs of the Americas340

Part. V: The Europes350

11: EU-Europe: the European Union and its 'near abroad'352

12: The Balkans and Turkey377

13: The post-Soviet space: a regional security complex around Russia397

Conclusions: scenarios for the European supercomplex437

Part. VI: Conclusions443

14: Regions and powers: summing up and looking ahead445

15: Reflections on conceptualising international security461



News media541

Index of names543

General Index546

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