《教育英语选读》求取 ⇩

Part One1



Ⅱ.Education and Schooling6

Ⅲ. Schooling8

2.Education and Social Development10

Ⅰ .Education's Importance10

Ⅱ .Education and Economic Growth14

Ⅲ .How Does Education Contribute to Develop-ment18

3.Teachers and Instruction22

Ⅰ .Teachers and Their Survivors22

Ⅱ. A Beginning Teacher27

Ⅲ .The Characteristics of the Competent Teacher in Harford County34

Ⅳ .Method, Technique and Devices41

4.Student and Learning46

Ⅰ .Students' Learning Styles46

Ⅱ .Pra?tice Makes Perfect59

Ⅲ .Learner Characteristics Today65


Ⅰ .School Curricula75

Ⅱ .Curriculum Areas77

Ⅲ .Time to Rediscover the Needs of Youth84

6.Moral Education91

Ⅰ Character Education91

Ⅱ .Moral and Values Education96

Ⅲ .Values Education in Chinese PrimarySchools101

7.Intellectual Education110

Ⅰ . Intelligence110

Ⅱ .The Nature and Theories of Intelligence116

Ⅲ .Computer and School125

8.Health and Physical Education128

Ⅰ .Why Should You Study Health Science128

Ⅱ .Hygiene and Physical Education133

Ⅲ .Mental Health versus Mental Illness137

Ⅳ . Self-actualization141

9.Aesthetic Education144

Ⅰ . Aesthetic Education144

Ⅱ.Art in Man's Life157

Part Two163

10. Preschool Education and Kindergarten163

Ⅰ .The Changing Scope and Nature of Early Childhood Programs163

Ⅱ .The First Infant School in Great Britain173

Ⅲ .Nursery School andKindergarten176

11. Primary and Secondary Education180

Ⅰ .ElementaryEducation and Elementary School180

Ⅱ .Secondary Education186

12. Higher Education196

Ⅰ .The Worldwide Higher Education196

Ⅱ .Higher Education199

Ⅲ .American Higher Education203

13. Teacher Education208

Ⅰ .Teacher Education208

Ⅱ .Normal School and Teachers College218

Ⅲ .Teachers in the Computer Age222

14. Vocational and Technical Education230

Ⅰ .Vocational and IndustrialEducation230

Ⅱ .Facing Technology238

Ⅲ .Vocational Education and General Educa-tion243

15. SpecialEducation252

Ⅰ .Today's Definition of Special Education252

Ⅱ .Answers to Frequently Asked Questions256

Ⅲ .Vocational and Industrial Education for Special Groups260

16. Adult Education267

Ⅰ .Adult Education And Continuing Study267

Ⅱ .Providers of Adult Education272

Ⅲ .The Concept and the Future of Life-long Education275

17. Education in China281

Ⅰ .Education in Ancient China281

Ⅱ .Education in Modern China284

Ⅲ .TheDevelopment of Education in Recent China290

Ⅳ .Education Reform306

Ⅴ .Basic Education in Sichuan310

18. Education in the U. S. A.321

Ⅰ .American Education Week321

Ⅱ .The Outlook for theAmerican Professo- riate325

Ⅲ .Moral Education in the United States335

19. Education in the U. S. S. R.343

Ⅰ .The General Principles of the Constitution of the Middle-General-Education School343

Ⅱ .Professional Polytechnical School348

Ⅲ .Structure and Organization of the Public Education System354

20. Education In Japan360

Ⅰ .Education in Japan360

Ⅱ .Japan's SmartSchools368

Part Three379

21. Educational Psychology379

Ⅰ .What Educational Psychology is379

Ⅱ .The Functions of Educational Psychology384

Ⅲ.EarlyContributors to Educational Psychology389

22. Educational Sociology393

Ⅰ .Educational Sociology393

Ⅱ .Schools and Their Functions397

23. Philosophy of Education400

Ⅰ .Philosophy ofEducation400

Ⅱ .Philosophies of American Education404

24. History of Education408

Ⅰ .History of Western Education408

Ⅱ .History of BritishEducation414

Ⅲ .History of American Education422

Ⅳ .Development of World Education(1960-1981)429

25. Economics of Education436

Ⅰ .What is Economics of Education436

Ⅱ .Economics of EducationalTechnology441

Ⅲ .Economics of Education445

26. Comparative Education448

Ⅰ .The Development of Comparative Education448

Ⅱ .ComparativeEducation452

27. Library455

28. Educational Evaluation468

Ⅰ .EducationalEvaluation468

Ⅱ .Roles for the Evaluator475

Ⅲ .Program Evaluation479

29. EducationalManagement482

Ⅰ .Management Education and Training482

Ⅱ .Preparation Programs for Educational Administrators487

Ⅲ .School Administration491

30. Theories of Learning496

Ⅰ .Why Theories of Learning496

Ⅱ .What is Learning Theory501

Ⅲ .How is Learning Theory Evaluated505

31. Educational Facilities509

Ⅰ School Building509

Ⅱ .The Effects of School Lighting on Achie- vement and Behavior513

Ⅲ. Microteaching521


32. Educators ( 1 )529

33. Educators ( 2 )557

34. My Pedagogic Creed575

35. After John Dewey, What?594

36 Teaching From 8 to 3620

37. The Free and Happy Student622

38. Education andthe Good Life638

39. Making Teaching an Art646

40. Educational Implications and Directions: 1980-2000656

Ⅰ . Educational Guidelines: 1980 and Beyond656

Ⅱ.Organization, Methods, and the Content of Instruction661


Ⅰ. A list of Names671

Ⅱ ReferencesBibliogra phy681

Postface inChinese685

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英语朗读文选(1986 PDF版)
1986 开封:河南教育出版社
英语精读文选(1987 PDF版)
英语短语练习册(1986年12月第1版 PDF版)
1986年12月第1版 北京师范大学出版社
英语精读文选( PDF版)
英语阅读教材( PDF版)
医学英语选读(1979 PDF版)
教育英语文选(1984 PDF版)
1984 北京:教育科学出版社
商务英语选读(1999 PDF版)
1999 世界图书出版公司北京公司
文科英语选读(1984 PDF版)
1984 北京:商务印书馆
科技英语选读(1993 PDF版)
1993 北京:人民教育出版社
英语时文选读(1980 PDF版)
1980 北京:人民教育出版社
今日英语选读(1985 PDF版)
1985 西安:陕西人民出版社
英语教育学(1994 PDF版)
1994 北京:旅游教育出版社
科技英语选读(1999 PDF版)
1999 北京:机械工业出版社
英语口译基本技能(1999 PDF版)
1999 北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社