《Representations of Compact Lie Groups=紧李群的表示》求取 ⇩

CHAPTER ⅠLie Groups and Lie Algebras1

1.The Concept of a Lie Group and the Classical Examples1

2.Left-Invariant Vector Fields and One-Parameter Groups11

3.The Exponential Map22

4.Homogeneous Spaces and Quotient Groups30

5.Invariant Integration40

6.Clifford Algebras and Spinor Groups54

CHAPTERⅡElementary Representation Theory64


2.Semisimple Modules72

3.Linear Algebra and Representations74

4.Characters and Orthogonality Relations77

5.Representations of SU(2),SO(3),U(2),and O(3).84

6.Real and Quaternionic Representations93

7.The Character Ring and the Representation Ring102

8.Representations of Abelian Groups107

9.Representations of Lie Algebras111

10.The Lie Algebra sl(2,?)115

CHAPTERⅢRepresentative Functions123

1.Algebras of Representative Functions123

2.Some Analysis on Compact Groups129

3.The Theorem of Peter and Weyl133

4.Applications of the Theorem of Peter and Weyl136

5.Generalizations of the Theorem of Peter and Weyl138

6.Induced Representations143

7.Tannaka-Krein Duality146

8.The Complexification of Compact Lie Groups151

CHAPTER ⅣThe Maximal Torus of a Compact Lie Group157

1.Maximal Tori157

2.Consequences of the Conjugation Theorem164

3.The Maximal Tori and Weyl Groups of the Classical Groups169

4.Cartan Subgroups of Nonconnected Compact Groups176

CHAPTER ⅤRoot Systems183

1.The Adjoint Representation and Groups of Rank 1183

2.Roots and Weyl Chambers189

3.Root Systems197

4.Bases and Weyl Chambers202

5.Dynkin Diagrams209

6.The Roots of the Classical Groups216

7.The Fundamental Group,the Center and the Stiefel Diagram223

8.The Structure of the Compact Groups232

CHAPTER ⅥIrreducible Characters and Weights239

1.The Weyl Character Formula239

2.The Dominant Weight and the Structure of the Representation Ring249

3.The Multiplicities of the Weights of an Irreducible Representation257

4.Representations of Real or Quaternionic Type261

5.Representations of the Classical Groups265

6.Representations of the Spinor Groups278

7.Representations of the Orthogonal Groups292


Symbol Index305

Subject Index307

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