Ⅰ.The International Community Subject to the Law1

1.The Need for Reěxamination1

a.Common-law practitioners v.international lawyer2

b.Political realist v.international lawyer8

c.Scientist v.international lawyer10

2.International Law and the Adjustment of Con-flicting Interests12

a.Commerce by sea in peace and war13


c.Citi2en v.alien19

3.A Plea for a Modest Objective20

a.The provincialism of early international law20

b.The fallacy of the "outlaw" test26

c.The fallacy of the "great issues" test26

d.The selective community28

Ⅱ.Procedures of Settlement30

1.Processes of Adjustment30

a.Lessons from labor relations30

b.Lessons from corporate relations32

c.International negotiations and "amiable composition"33

2.Processes of Decision37




3.The Consent to Adjudication44

a.General treaty provisions45

b.The Optional Clause of the Statute of the International Court of Justice46

c.The psychology of the litigant59

Ⅲ.The Role of National Courts63

1.Types of Transnational Problems Before National Courts64

a.Sampling United States courts64

b.Sampling British courts68

2.The Application of International Law in National Courts71

3.National Courts of Special Character87

a.Prize courts87

b.United States Court of Claims92

c.National claims commissions95

Ⅳ.The Role of International Courts102

1.Types of International Tribunals102

a.Arbitrators and arbitral tribunals102

b.Mixed commissions104

c.Permanent courts106

d.Appellate review109

2.Types of Problems Before International Courts112

a.The private plaintiff disguised112

b.The State as the actual plaintiff117

3.The Record of Performance120

a.Sampling the cases120

b.The selection of judges124

Ⅴ.Problems and Prospects129

1.The International Community Reappraised129

a.Political prospects130

(1)The Soviet Union131

(2) The younger states133

2.The New Frontiers of Science and Organi-zation137

3.The Balance of Advantage150

Table of Cases155


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