Part I: Contested Terrain1

1. Ways of Seeing3

2. Economic Theory and Ideology19

3. Orthodoxy and Its Reformers44

Part II: The Rise and Fall of Keynesianism71

4. Keynes' Vision73

5. Was There a Keynesian Revolution?85

Part III: The New Right103

6. Monetarism and Supply-Side Economics105

7. The New Right: Theory and Practice126

Part IV: The Post-Keynesian Response143

8. The New State Interventionists145

9. Incomes Policy: Theory and Practice168

10.Industrial Policy189

11. Industrial Democracy209

Part V: Radical Political Economy229

12.Income and Class231

13. Where Do Profits Come From?244

14. Business and the State275

15. The Economic Roller Coaster301

Part VI: The Economic Crisis315

16.From Depression to Prosperity and Back316

17. The Road to Recovery?345

Afterword: Another Way Forward381



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