《Table 1 SPAD value of cotton leaves under different treatments》

《Table 1 SPAD value of cotton leaves under different treatments》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"Effects of Copper-based Nutritional Foliar Fertilizers on Photosynthetic Characteristics,Yield and Disease Control Efficiency of Cotton"》

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Means in the same vertical column with the same letter are not different significantly at the 5%level in the same year.

Many studies have shown that the chlorophyll content of crop leaves has good correlation with the reading value of SPAD-502chlorophyll meter,which can be used for determination of crop chlorophyll[19].It could be seen from Table 1 that spraying CFFe,CFZn B,CF and KCD could significantly improve chlorophyll content(SPAD value)of cotton leaves,and the test results in two years showed basically the same trend.The effects of different treatments on chlorophyll content in cotton leaves ranked as CFFe>CFZn B>CF>KCD>CK>BDM.At seedling stage,the differences of chlorophyll content in cotton leaves were between various treatments,and only the chlorophyll content of the CFFe treatment increased significantly compared with the CK.It increased by8.36%and 7.25%in 2013 and 2014,,respectively.The differences between other treatments were not significant.At bud stage,the CFFe,CFZn B,CF and KCD treatments showed a leaf chlorophyll content significantly higher than the CK.At flowering and boll-forming stage,the CFFe,CFZn B,CF and KCD treatments showed a chlorophyll content of leaves still significantly higher than that of the CK.At initial boll opening stage,the chlorophyll content of cotton leaves reached the peak,and those of the CFFe,CFZn B,CF and KCD treatments increased significantly compared with the CK.Among them,the CFFe treatment had the highest chlorophyll content,which increased by 13.30%and 10.53%compared with the CK in 2013 and 2014,respectively;and the CFZn B treatment had the second highest chlorophyll content,which increased by 11.40%and 8.21%compared with the CK in2013 and 2014,respectively.At exuberant wadding stage,although the chlorophyll content of cotton leaves began to decrease,the CFFe,CFZn B,CF and KCD treatments still showed a value significantly higher than that of the CK,and only the increasing range slightly decreased.The chlorophyll content of the BDM treatment was the lowest at each growth stage,but the differences from CK were not significant.