《Table 3Comparison be twe e n HCRF and pre vious me thods》

《Table 3Comparison be twe e n HCRF and pre vious me thods》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Prediction of Potential Disease-Associated MicroRNAs Based on Hidden Conditional Random Field》

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The numbers denote the AUC of each method(HCRF,RWRM DA,miRPD and Jiang's method)performing on the corresponding datasets(GSE68951,GSE58606 and GSE41655).

As far as w e know,there is no study making use of miRNA expression profiling to predict potential disease-associated miRNAs prior to this.Because HCRF is inspired byHidden M arkovM odel(HMM)[34]and CRF,the superiorities of HCRF modelcomparingw ithHM MandCRFare investigated.The AUCresults on GSE68951,GSE58606 and GSE41655 are show n in Table 2.As can be seen,HCRF outperforms other models significantly,w hich demonstrate the ability of HCRF in detecting the variation trend among a series of miRNA expression values.