《Table 1Comparison of growth period of maize varieties》

《Table 1Comparison of growth period of maize varieties》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Screening Test of Maize Varieties in Mountainous Arid Areas》

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Seen from Table 1,all maize varieties sprouted 30-35 d after sowing.The growth period of the maize varieties was 115-135 d.Among these maize varieties,the growth period of Ganyu series of maize varieties was between115 and 119 d,and these maize varieties became mature early due to drought.The growth period of Xianyu 335,Lianda 169and Dunyu 16 was more than 130 d,so they are medium and late maturing varieties,and their growth period was 8 d longer than that of Jinsui 4 at least.