《《循序渐进阅读丛书》文选 英汉对照》求取 ⇩


The Size of the United States1

The Four Largest Cities1

Schools in the U.S.A.2

Two Great Men of Science3

How Did the States Get Their Names?3

America in the Machine Age4

Stone Walls in New England5

Farm Life in the United States5

American Youth6

Which States Have the Most People?7

Educating TV Children8

Ecology on a College Campus8

Adults and Teenagers Together9

A New Way to Fly10

What Causes Waves?11

Women in the U.S.A12

Automobiles in the U.S.A12

The Congress of the the United States13

Should There Be a Law?14

Women’s Liberation in the U.S.A.15

Frank Lloyd Wright,an Artist in Architecture16

The First Four Minutes17

College Students Today19

Who Smokes?20

The Life Style of a Rock Star22

How New York Became America’s Largest City24

Sesame Street26

How Do the Movies Do It?27

Why Does Food Cost So Much?30

Those Who Ride on Two Wheels?32

Mysteries of the Sea34

Breathing Below the Surface ofthe Sea37

Special Schools39

Learning by Doing41

A Look at the Future43


Why Don’t Girls Think Like Boys?47

The Old South—and the New51

Learning How to Make Rain55

Museums in the Modern World59

How Television Programs Are Born63

Clocks Through Time68

The Voices of Time71

The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse74

The Education of Benjamin Franklin79

A Matter of Honor83

How Jazz Began88

Doing Something About City Problems93

The First Piano in a Mining Camp96

Understanding Thunderstorms103

Broadway and Beyond107

Simple Habits,Deep Thoughts112

1990《《循序渐进阅读丛书》文选 英汉对照》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由杨芳林,郑荣成编 1990 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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新编循序渐进美国英语  第六级  循序渐进美国英语 BOOK SIX PART TWO(1989 PDF版)
新编循序渐进美国英语 第六级 循序渐进美国英语 BOOK SIX PART TWO
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