《英语课外阅读文摘101》求取 ⇩


1.Our Beautiful World1

2.The Sun5

3.The World Population9

4.Dining in A.D.200113

5.The Legendary Roof of the World18

6.Labour and Man22

7.A Clever Man26

8.Cinderella—A Fable29

9.Dickens and His Cat34

10.Why Crabs Walk Sideways37

11.The Importance of English41


13.Animal Mimics49

14.Trouble with Police53

15.London and New York57

16.School City61

17.The Beautiful Horse65

18.Sir Isaac Newton69

19.The Trojan Horse(Ⅰ)73

20.The Trojan Horse(Ⅱ)77

21.Bad Habits…………………………8l77

22.Are Sounds Useful or Harmful85

23.Oil in the Earth89

24.An Old Miser’s Funeral93

25.The U.K96

26.Look Carefully and Learn100

27.The Moon in the Well104


29.Old Albert(Ⅰ)112

30.Old Albert(Ⅱ)116


32.Where Did Americans Come from ?124

33.Space Shuttle128


35.Mount Fuji136

36.The story of Clock140


38.Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves(Ⅰ)148

39.Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves(Ⅱ)152

40.Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves(Ⅲ)156


42.The President’s Modern Secretary164


44.Two Photographers172

45.A Pronunciation Trouble175

46.Honest Work179

47.I’m Not Lost183

48.Hans Christian Andersen187

49.A Piper(Ⅰ)192

50.A Piper(Ⅱ)196

51.Is That the Dead Duck?200

52.Smokingand Health204

53.The Twins’Trouble208

54.Four Inches Too Short212

55.Leisure and Private Life in England216

56.A Lesson of Politeness220

57.A Sleep for Twenty Years224

58.The Nobel Prize228

59.Old Medicine232

60.Magic Mirror236

61.How Glad I Am to Be a Boy240

62.Athletics for Girls244


64.Filling a Basket with Water252

65.The OlympianGames256

66.The Old Peasant and the King261

67.The Proud Princess265

68.Marco Polo270

69.Stories About Cats274


71.The Story of My Life282

72.Fun Run286

73.Water,Steam and Ice290

74.A Clever Servant294

75.Swimming the Channel298

76.A Heroic Doctor302

77.Little Gauss306

78.Sleeping Beauty(Ⅰ)311

79.Sleeping Beauty(Ⅱ)315

80.Sleeping Beauty(Ⅲ)319

81.Good for the Mice323

82.Do You Know Coal?326

83.How to Keep Strong330

84.A Clever Farmer334

85.At the Waxworks Exhibition337

86.‘I Must Make Haste’341

87.Science and Human Life345

88.Atoms,Plants and the Sea349


90.A Talk with Napoleon357

91.Mind Your Manners361

92.Tug of War365

93.Edward Jenner Studies Smallpox369

94.The Tree of Life373

95.Animal Homes377

96.Polar Bear381

97.Too Much for the Whistle385

98.The Idea of Wedding389

99.The Lady or the Tiger(Ⅰ)393

100.The Lady or the Tiger(Ⅱ)397

101.The Lady or the Tiger(Ⅲ)401


Common Idioms406


1984《英语课外阅读文摘101》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由吴上利编注;张季馨译 1984 上海:上海教育出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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