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Volume One Great Britain1

Chapter One Panoramic View1

Section One The Country and the People1

Section Two The British Government25

Section Three Politics and Law43

Section Four National Economy and Cities59

Section Five Cultural and Social Life85

Chapter Two English History105

Section One Origin of the English Nation105

Section Two Great Charter and Beginning of Parlia-ment117

Section Three Decline of Feudalism in England129

Section Four The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising Bourgeoisie139

Section Five Reformation in England152

Section Six The English Bourgeois Revolution167

Section Seven The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement182

Section Eight The Rise and Fall of the British Empire199

Volume Two America214

Chapter One Panoramic View214

Section One The United States and its Natural Condi-tions214

Section Two American People241

Section Three Government and Politics(Ⅰ)270

Section Four Government and Politics(Ⅱ)283

Secticn Five National Economy(Ⅰ)309

Section Six National Economy(Ⅱ)325

Section Seven Family and Social Life344

Chapter Two American History363

Section One The Thirteen English—American Colonies363

Section Two The War of Independence387

Section Three Appearance of the American Constitut-ion and the Washington Administration408

Section Four America During t he First Half of the 19th Century—Era of Expansion426

Section Five The Civil War445

Section Six America After Civil War—Development and Foreign Aggression465

Section Seven America during and after World War I486

Section Eight America during and after the Second World War505

Supplementary Material for Reference531

Section one An Outline Introduction to American Literature(1600—1985)531

Supplementary Materials Papers Radio and Television ………………………………………………………()Section Two The Ancient Mediterranean World and the Origin of European Civilization570

Section Three Appearance and Development of Christi-anity588

Section Four The U.S.Passport and Immigration599

Section Five609

Investment:A Basic Glossary609

Kings and Queens of England and Great Britain614

Prime Ministers of Great Britain617

Presidents of the U.S.624

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新编英美概况(1994 PDF版)
1994 成都:成都科技大学出版社
英美概况( PDF版)
联合国概况  中英文本(1979 PDF版)
联合国概况 中英文本
英美概况学习指导(1992年2月第1版 PDF版)
1992年2月第1版 华南理工大学出版社
英美概况(1995 PDF版)
1995 杭州:浙江大学出版社
英美知识概要  英文(1993 PDF版)
英美知识概要 英文
1993 郑州:河南人民出版社
英美概况(1985 PDF版)
1985 开封:河南教育出版社
英美概况  新编本(1994 PDF版)
英美概况 新编本
1994 上海:上海外语教育出版社
英美概况(1987 PDF版)
1987 广州:广东高等教育出版社
英美概况  修订版  上(1994 PDF版)
英美概况 修订版 上
1994 长春:吉林科学技术出版社
英美概况  英文版(1994 PDF版)
英美概况 英文版
1994 长春:吉林科学技术出版社
英美概况(1997 PDF版)
1997 济南:山东大学出版社
英美概况(1984 PDF版)
1984 上海:上海外语教育出版社
英美概况习题集(1995 PDF版)
1995 武汉:华中理工大学出版社