《坎特伯雷故事集》求取 ⇩

THE CANTERBURY TALESFragment Ⅰ (Group A)General Prologue1

Fragment Ⅱ (Group B1

Fragment Ⅶ (Group B2



Select Bibliography23

The Knight's Tale23

A Chronology of Geoffrey Chaucer24

The Miller's Prologue79

The Miller's Tale81

The Reeve's Prologue98

The Reeve's Tale99

The Prologue of the Cook's Tale109

The Cook's Tale111

Introduction to the Sergeant-at-Law's Tale113

The Prologue of the Sergeant-at-Law's Tale115

The Sergeant-at-Law's Tale117

The Epilogue of the Sergeant-at-Law's Tale146

The Sea-Captain's Tale148

What the Host said to the Sea-Captain and the lady Prioress159

The Prologue of the Prioress's Tale159

The Prioress's Tale160

The Prologue to Sir Topaz166

Sir Topaz167

The Prologue to the Tale of Melibeus173

The Tale of Melibeus174

The Prologue of the Monk's Tale175

The Monk's Tale178

The Prologue of the Nun's Priest's Tale201

The Nun's Priest's Tale202

Epilogue to the Nun's Priest's Tale218

Fragment Ⅲ(GroupD)The Prologue of the Wife of Bath's Tale219

The dispute between the Summoner and the Friar239

The Wife of Bath's Tale240

The Prologue of the Friar's Tale251

The Friar's Tale252

The Prologue of the Summoner's Tale261

The Summoner's Tale262

Fragment Ⅳ (Group E)The Prologue of the Oxford Scholar's Tale278

The Oxford Scholar's Tale279

The Prologue of the Merchant's Tale313

The Merchant's Tale313

Epilogue to the Merchant's Tale343

Fragment Ⅴ (Group F)The Prologue of the Squire's Tale344

The Squire's Tale344

What the Franklin said to the Squire361

The Franklin's Tale362

The Prologue of the Franklin's Tale362

Fragment Ⅵ(Group C)The Doctor of Medicine's Tale386

What the Host said to the Doctor and the Pardoner393

The Prologue of the Pardoner's Tale394

The Pardoner's Tale398

Fragment Ⅷ(Group G)The Prologue of the Second Nun's Tale411

The Second Nun's Tale414

The Prologue of the Canon's Assistant's Tale427

The Canon's Assistant's Tale431

Fragment Ⅸ (Group H)The Manciple's Prologue451

The Manciple's Tale454

Fragment Ⅹ(Group I)The Parson's Prologue461

The Parson's Tale463

The Author's Valediction464

Explanatory Notes465

1995《坎特伯雷故事集》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由Geoffrey Chaucer 1995 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


坎特伯雷精彩故事(1998 PDF版)
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雷锋的故事(1963 PDF版)
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1998 南京:译林出版社
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坎伯尔王国(1986 PDF版)
1986 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
坎特伯雷故事集(1995 PDF版)
1995 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
世界文学全集  坎特伯雷故事集(1982 PDF版)
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雷锋的故事(1981 PDF版)
1981 沈阳:春风文艺出版社
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坎特伯雷故事(1981 PDF版)
1981 长春:吉林人民出版社