《英语 6》求取 ⇩

Lesson One1

Text:Economic Considerations of Organic FarmingReading Material:Rippling Troubles from the U.S. Farm BeltLesson Two20

Text:Pollution as a Social ProblemReading Material:Environmental PollutionLesson Three37

Text:PopulationReading Material:Population Growth and Factors Determining Population GrowthLesson Four55

Text:Why a Eurodollar Market?Reading Material:What the Foreign Exchange Market IsLesson Five73

Text:The Idle Army of Unemployed in the U.S.Reading Material:Who are the Poor?Lesson Six92

Text:World Food and Natural Resources Outlook in2000

Reading Material:Japan's Diplomacy of ResourcesLesson Seven110

Text:A Rich U.S.Feels PoorReading Material:Minorities and Work:The Challenge for the Decade AheadLesson Eight128

Text:Why the U.S.Needs a Synthetic Fuel IndustryReading Material:Gas from GrainLesson Nine147

Text:Characteristics of the Demand for TechnologyReading Material:Institutional Constraints Affecting the Formulation of Demand for TechnologyLesson Ten164

Text:Managerial Strategies on InnovationReading Material:Innovation and Risks InvolvedLesson Eleven188

Text:A Guide to Understanding the Supply-SidersReading Material:Supply-Siders vs.MonetaristsLesson Twelve215

Text:Capitalism:Is It Working?Reading Material:How American Families Try to Outwit InflationVocabulary237

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