《金融专业英语证书考试学习参考资料》求取 ⇩

China's Financial Industry1

1.China Financial Survey3

2.Certral bank12

3.Commercial Bank17

4.Chinese Financial Institutions Abroad32

5.Foreign Financial Institutions37

6.Foreign Exchange and External Detbs45

Foreign Exchange Business59

1.Foreign Exchange-Some Definitions61

2.Banks and Foreign Exchange Market62

3.Foreign Exchange Quotations63

4.Financial Instruments67

5.Risks in Foreign Exchange76

Credit Loans85

1.Credit Loans-Categories87

2.Credit Risk Analysis89

3.The Five P's of Credit Analysis91

4.Cash Flow Analysis93

5.Credit Risk Management96

6.Loan Agreement98




2.Users of Accounting Information110

3.Specialized Accounting Services111

4.Accounting Concept and Principles113

5.Accounting Equation116

6.Financial Statements117

7.Classification of Assets and Liabilities120

8.The Double-entry Booking Systems121

9.Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet123

10.Verification of Statements of Account124

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