《高等学校文科教材 英语 第2册 非英语专业用》求取 ⇩

Lesson One5

Text:Tom Meets with the Prince5

Dialogue:Asking the Way9

Grammar:Ⅰ.The Preposition9

Ⅱ.The Absolute Forms of the Possessive Pronoun11

Ⅲ.The Reflexive Pronoun12

Word Study:get,have13

Lesson Two19

Text:Lost-A Coat19


Grammar:The Present Perfect Tense23

Word Study:take,bring26

Lesson Three33

Text:The Sea33


Grammar:Ⅰ.The Degrees of Comparison of the Adjective and the Adverb36

Ⅱ.The Numeral38

Word Study:look,know42

Lesson Four47

Text:The Taj Mahal47

Dialogue:At the Post Office50

Grammar:Ⅰ.The Voice51

Ⅱ.The Passive Voice(Ⅰ)52

Word Study:go,come54

Lesson Five59

Text:All for the Wounded59


Grammar:Ⅰ.Types of Sentences62

Ⅱ.The Advcrblal Clause(Ⅰ)64

Word Study:turn,leave66

Lesson Six73

Text:Britain v73

Dialogue:A Telephone Call75

Grammar:The Object Clause(Ⅰ)77

Word Study:feel,hold78

Revision Exerciscs(LL.1—6)85

Lesson Seven91

Text:The Peace Rose(Ⅰ)91


Grammar:Ⅰ.The Attributive Clause(Ⅰ)95

Ⅱ.The Past Continuous Tense97

Word Study:tell,grow99

Lesson Eight106

Text:The Peace Rose(Ⅱ)106

Grammar:Ⅰ.The Non-finite Forms ofthe Verb110

Dialogue:At the Barber Shop110

Ⅱ.The Infinitive(Ⅰ)111

Ⅲ.The Past Perfect Tense113

Word Study:sce,hope114

Lesson Nine121

Text:The Boston Tea Party121

Dialogue:At the Restaurant124

Grammar:Ⅰ.The Passive Voice(Ⅱ)125

Ⅱ.The Object Complement and the Subject Complement127

Word Study:make,spend128

Text:Bank Services135

Lessen Ten135


Grammar:The Infinitive(Ⅱ)140

Word Study:find,ask144

Lesson Eleven152

Text:The Grateful Crane152

Dialogue:Making Vacation Plans156

Grammar:Ⅰ.The Participle(Ⅰ)157

Ⅱ.The Past Future Indefinite Tense159

Word Study:say,keep160

Text:Sailing Round the World168

Lesson Twelve168

Dialogue:Seeing Someone Off171

Grammar:The Gerund(Ⅰ)172

Word Study:meet,begin175

Revision Exercises(LL.7—12)183

Supplementary Readings191

Ⅰ.The Prince's New Life Begins191

Ⅱ.Lost in the Fog193

Ⅲ.Food from the Sea194

Ⅳ.The Lorelei196

Ⅴ.Dr.Bethune Apologized197

Ⅵ.Cambridge—The University Town199

Ⅶ.'Little Red Devils'201

Ⅷ.Over the Himalayas and Beyond203

Ⅸ.The Boycott205

Ⅹ.Early Days of the Mail206

Ⅺ.A Wise Judge208

Ⅻ.An Unknown Young Pilot210

Appendix 1 Irregular Verbs to Be Found in Book Ⅰ and Book Ⅱ212

Appendix 2 Differences in British and American Spellings215

Appendix 3 Poems216

Appendix 4 Songs and Riddles220

Appendix 5 Vocabulary223

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